Monday, 2 July 2012

(PHOTOS) - Jay Z and Beyonce ‘double date’ with Kanye and Kim K at the BET awards

Beyonce and Jay-Z double date with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian at the 2012 BET Awards
Power couples Jay Z and Beyonce along with new lovebirds Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were spotted seating together at the recently held BET Awards 2012.
Bey and Jay sat right front row next to Kim K and ‘Ye. The quartet chatted and laughed, indicating a strong bond between the couples.

Beyonce greeted Kim K with smooches on the cheek while Jay Z surprised his ‘N***s in Paris’ buddy by stepping on stage to receive the ‘Best Group’ award.

Beyonce who looked stunning in her canary yellow, one sleeved gown beat singers Marsha Ambrosius, Mary J. Blige, Melanie Fiona, and Rihanna to win the  ’Best Female R&B Artist‘ award.
Check out more photos below…
Kim Kardashian and Beyonce
Power couple – Bey and Jay
Kanye West and Jay Z on stage BET 2012

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